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Memory Alpha tells us that everyone loves the Ferengi. And while you should definitely believe everything you read on the internet, this has us slightly suspicious. Star Trek’s resident goblins make their first appearance in Voyager as a couple of “False Profits” who tie into a previous TNG episode. What could go wrong?

The Wikipedia plot summary for “False Profits”:
USS Voyager detects an unstable wormhole whose exit point is traced to the Alpha Quadrant. This would be a shortcut home for Voyager; the only problem is that the Delta Quadrant side moves around erratically. While Harry Kim and B’Elanna Torres work on a way to stabilize the wormhole, Tuvok investigates a nearby planet called Takar with a Bronze Age civilization. He is surprised to discover evidence of replicator technology there.
Chakotay and Paris beam down to investigate. They discover two Ferengi posing as demigods who were foretold in the planet’s mythology. Years ago, as told in the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode “The Price“, they had come through the wormhole, and since it was unstable, had been unable to go back. Instead they had decided to exploit the replicator technology to make themselves rich.[2] When the Ferengi are beamed aboard Voyager, they refuse to go back through the wormhole and point out the harm to the natives’ religion if they simply disappeared. Janeway is forced to return them to the planet.

Neelix, disguised as a Ferengi, travels back to the planet. He pretends to be a representative (the “Grand Proxy”) of the Ferengi ruler, the Grand Nagus, and demands the two return to the Alpha Quadrant so he may confiscate their riches. His ruse is uncovered and the Ferengi attempt to kill him. Neelix barely survives the assault and is left among the natives. However, the Voyager crew has learned the end of the native mythology – Neelix announces himself as the “Holy Pilgrim”, a character prophesied to return the sages to their home. He coordinates with Voyager to create signs of his authenticity, which incites the natives to attempt to burn him and the Ferengi at the stake, citing a passage prophesying that they will return home on “wings of fire”. Neelix and the Ferengi are beamed away at the last moment and the natives are convinced their prophecy has come true.
The Voyager crew succeed in stabilizing the wormhole, but the Ferengi manage to steal back their shuttlecraft, which Voyager had confiscated. Their attempts to escape back to Takar end with them being sucked into the wormhole and destabilizing it after being sent to the Alpha Quadrant. Voyager is left behind and they resume course to the Alpha Quadrant at warp 6.

In this episode of the podcast, Wes and Clay discuss “False Profits”. Plus! The guys chat about gravity-defying anatomy, learning how to be a Ferengi, and embarrassing decisions.