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Voyager heads to the mid-90s to discover their “Future’s End”. Aghast at the curious fashions of the time, the crew must work to stop both billionaire dads and right-wing militias. It might be yet another time travel episode of Voyager, but I’m sure that the crew will figure out a way home by the end of this one. Where’s Daniels?

The Wikipedia plot sumamry for “Future’s End”:
A small ship with a Federation signature emerges from a temporal rift in front of the starship Voyager. Its pilot identifies himself as Captain Braxton (Allan Royal) from the 29th century in the timeship Aeon. He has come to destroy Voyager, believing it to be the cause of a temporal explosion that will wipe out most of the Solar System in his time. Voyager fights off Braxton’s attack, resulting in Braxton being sent back through the rift. Voyager and its crew are also pulled into the rift and find themselves on Earth in 1996.
Braxton crashes in 1967, where Henry Starling (Ed Begley Jr.) finds Aeon and copies its technology, allowing him to found a company, Chronowerx Industries, and start the micro-computer revolution. In 1996, a young astronomer named Rain Robinson (Sarah Silverman) who works at the Griffith Observatory in Los Angeles detects Voyager in high orbit and assumes it to be extraterrestrial life. Her work is funded by Starling, but against his instructions, she attempts to contact Voyager by transmitting a greeting to it, alarming the crew.[1] The Voyager crew tracks her location to the Observatory and Captain Janeway, Commander Chakotay, Lt. Tuvok (Tim Russ), and Lt. Paris (Robert Duncan McNeill), decide to beam down to Los Angeles. Tuvok and Paris save Robinson from a hitman Starling dispatched to kill her.

Janeway and Chakotay investigate Starling and his business. They identify a homeless man as Captain Braxton, who explains the rise of Starling to them. Ultimately, they learn that Starling’s planned attempt to travel to the 29th century using Braxton’s timeship will be the true cause for the temporal explosion, because Starling lacks the knowledge needed to properly calibrate the timeship.
Janeway and Chakotay secretly enter Starling’s Chronowerx office where they find the Aeon, just as Starling walks in on them. Starling ignores Janeway’s warning not to use the timeship and tries to kill them, but the officers are beamed aboard Voyager. When Voyager tries to beam up the timeship, Starling uses his own transporter beam to access Voyager‘s computer and study its systems, including stealing the Doctor’s program from Sickbay. Worse still, Voyager has been sighted and filmed, since the ship had to descend low into Earth’s atmosphere to beam Janeway and Chakotay aboard.

Following Starling’s computer attack, Voyager is badly damaged, leaving Paris and Tuvok stranded on Earth with Robinson. Paris convinces her to help by claiming that he and Tuvok are government agents trying to recover highly advanced technology that was stolen by Starling. Robinson, prompted by Paris and Tuvok, arranges to meet Starling at a public park. To keep an eye on the Doctor, Starling equips the Doctor with a piece of 29th-century technology, a “Mobile Holo-Emitter”, which allows him to move around without having to rely on fixed emitters.
During the meeting, Chakotay and Torres take a shuttle into Earth’s lower atmosphere, planning to abduct Starling and beam him aboard Voyager. Unfortunately, damage taken during the transport forces Chakotay and Torres to crash in the Arizona desert, where they are captured by isolationists. Tuvok and the Doctor, splitting up from Paris and Robinson, are able to rescue them and begin repairs on the shuttle.
Held prisoner on Voyager, Starling admits to Janeway that he intends to travel into the future to steal more advanced technology because he has reached the limit of what he can create by studying the Aeon. Janeway informs him of Captain Braxton’s warning about the disaster he will cause, but Starling is too egotistical to believe he can fail. Just when Janeway believes that she has ended Starling’s plans, one of his henchmen transports him back to his office. Paris and Robinson arrive there to discover a large truck, which they believe contains the timeship. They pursue the vehicle out of the city, aided by the arrival of the repaired shuttle. Too late, the truck is found to be a decoy, and Starling launches the Aeon, still at the Chronowerx building.

After a last attempt to dissuade Starling, Janeway manually fires a photon torpedo into the Aeon, destroying it and saving the future. A few moments later, an alternative Captain Braxton arrives in another timeship Aeon, explaining that having detected the anomaly of their presence in the past, he has come to return them to their own time at the place they left it. Sadly, he is unwilling to bring them to their Earth, as that would violate the Temporal Prime Directive. Voyager returns to the exact moment they first encountered the Aeon. The Doctor gains more freedom as he keeps the Mobile Holo-Emitter. The crew avoids their “Future’s End”.
In this episode of the podcast, Wes and Clay discuss “Future’s End” and the lynchpin of 90s and “modern” Star Trek. Plus! The guys talk about not taking a hint, right-wing militias well documented hatred of bald men, and downloading Voyager.