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The crew of Voyager experiences a “Persistence of Vision” when they begin to have hallucinations about personal memories and feelings. Janeway feels guilty about her illicit holodeck affair(s), Paris gets scolded by his dad, and two crew members reveal their innermost feelings for each other. And then Kes saves the day.

The Wikipedia plot summary for “Persistence of Vision”:
As Voyager readies for a potentially dangerous encounter with the Botha, the Doctor orders an exhausted Captain Janeway to relax in the holodeck. Before long, she is called back to the Bridge for first contact with the Botha. The Botha representative gives the crew a chilly reception, but sets up a rendezvous to determine whether or not they will allow Voyager to pass through their space. Janeway starts seeing characters and objects from her holonovel, a story in the fashion of Jane Eyre.
Janeway goes to sick-bay, but The Doctor cannot find anything wrong with her brain. Janeway experiences another hallucination, which Kes sees, too. The hallucination bounces off of her and reflects back into Janeway. The Doctor orders Janeway to her quarters for rest until he can determine the source of these events. Later, another holonovel character attacks her in her quarters with a knife. Again, Kes confirms the event, but it is a hallucination—Janeway is still in sick-bay.

Janeway puts Chakotay in charge of meeting with the Botha while she undergoes medical testing. The representative’s ship engages the crew in a battle, damaging Voyager. Janeway races to the Bridge, where the Bothan is on the viewscreen, but is shocked to see her fiancee Mark. The other crew members similarly see their loved ones on the screen, and they begin experiencing hallucinations and entering a catatonic state one-by-one, with only Kes and the Doctor remaining unaffected. Kes heads for engineering to block the psychic field; she starts hallucinating as well, but soon focuses herself and defeats the hallucination of burns by reflecting them back upon the intruder. Now it is he who is incapacitated by his own redirected power, while Kes manages to restore the crew to normal.
A telepathic Botha confesses to having caused the disturbance, simply because he could. Before they can confront him further, he disappears. As they continue on their way, the crew reflects uneasily about what is lurking in the subconscious corridors of their minds.

In this episode of the podcast, Wes and Clay discuss “Persistence of Vision” and the sexual frustration of Captain Janeway. Plus! The guys talk about Tiny Doctor (the gift that keeps on giving), cucumber sandwiches, and XXX-rated material on Disney+.