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When you multiply an episode of Star Trek by the “Prime Factors” of 70,000 light-years, you’re probably going to end up with a decent episode. This week, the crew of the USS Voyager find themselves with a way home – but getting past a mirror version of the Prime Directive might prove impossible. In any case, Harry Kim should have definitely stayed on the orgasm planet for a little bit longer.

The Wikipedia plot summary for “Prime Factors”:
Voyager encounters a hedonistic and hospitable race known as the Sikarians and is invited to visit their homeworld. Shore leave is organized, and during the visit, Ensign Kim and a Sikarian transport themselves to another planet, Alastria. Kim deduces that the teleporter device—the trajector—has transported them 40,000 light-years.
Captain Janeway is informed, and asks Gath, the leader of the Sikarians, if the technology could be used to transport Voyager further towards the Alpha Quadrant. Gath states that their laws forbid sharing technology. The crew consider how they can bargain for technology, and Kim remembers that stories are valued by the Sikarians. Janeway takes this into account and offers Voyager’s entire library of literature if the Sikarians will transport Voyager. Gath promises to discuss the offer with the other Sikarian leaders.

In engineering, Seska, Torres, and Lt. Carey examine the spatial rift caused by the trajector to understand how it works. Later, Kim is approached by a civilian who offers to illegally hand over the technology in exchange for the literature. Janeway is reluctant to authorize an illicit trade, so she beams down to pressure Gath once again, but Gath never intended to accept her offer and orders Voyager to leave. Janeway returns to the ship and orders the recall of all personnel.
Torres, Carey, and Seska have downloaded the library and head to the transporter room. While trying to access the transporter, Tuvok walks in on them — but instead of condemning them, Tuvok beams to the surface and makes the exchange himself. He returns to Voyager with the trajector, instructing the engineering team not to attempt to use it until he has spoken with Janeway. Nevertheless, Seska connects the trajector to a console port in engineering so that they can examine it. They discover that the technology relies on the massive crystalline mantle of the planet as an amplifier, and once they depart, the trajector will be useless. As Voyager is about to depart, Torres and Seska activate the trajector. The field forming around the ship produces anti-neutrinos, which causes the warp core to begin building to a breach. Unable to disengage the trajector from the console, Torres destroys it with a phaser.

Janeway is shocked to discover Tuvok, her friend and counsel, was the senior officer involved in the conspiracy. She lets Torres off with a stern warning and asks Tuvok to consult her before acting.
In this episode of the podcast, Wes and Clay discuss “Prime Factors” and building an episode with distinct plot threads. Plus! The guys chat about masturbatory hedonism, being annoyed by the Prime Directive, and the decision of Tuvok.