DS9 DS9 Season 6

Sons and Daughters – Ft. Clay

While aboard a Klingon vessel commanded by General Martok, Worf is reunited with his estranged son Alexander. It’s been many years since father and son have seen each other, and in that time Alexander seems to have changed.

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Sons and daughters – Ft. Clay

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Sons and daughters are the themes of this episode of Star Trek!

While aboard a Klingon vessel commanded by General Martok, Worf is reunited with his estranged son Alexander. It’s been many years since father and son have seen each other, and in that time Alexander seems to have changed. He’s no longer a scared little boy – he’s now a scared little teenager who is seeking glory… for some reason?

On DS9, Gul Dukat uses his (nameless!) daughter as a pawn in his attempt to woo Major Kira. Disappointment and dishonesty are running rampant amongst the family members of DS9!

In this episode of the podcast, Wes and Clay try to analyze the failures of Worf as a father, and the effectiveness of Gul Dukat as “Hitler with a crush”. Do we learn anything about both men through Alexander and Ziyal? Or are they characters who belong on another planet with somebody’s foster parents?

Plus! The guys discuss being a Google Maps navigator, knowing when to abandon your family, and becoming a warrior at the ripe old age of 8!


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