DS9 DS9 Season 4

Sons of Mogh – Ft. Clay

Kurn arrives at DS9 and asks Worf to kill him! The breakdown of Klingon and Federation relations has caused the House of Mogh to enter some rough times, and Kurns appearance has Worf wondering if he’ll ever return home to the Homeworld. Meanwhile, some suspicious activity is happening just outside the border of Bajoran space. Clay joins me to discuss the Klingons in DS9, the Worf and Odo relationship, and the merits of a “sci-fi” ending!

Kurn arrives at DS9 and asks Worf to kill him! The breakdown of Klingon and Federation relations has caused the House of Mogh to enter some rough times, and Kurns appearance has Worf wondering if he’ll ever return home to the Homeworld. Meanwhile, some suspicious activity is happening just outside the border of Bajoran space. Clay joins me to discuss the Klingons in DS9, the Worf and Odo relationship, and the merits of a “sci-fi” ending!

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