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No, we didn’t say “Phlox“. We said “State of Flux”! This episode of Star Trek: Voyager delves a bit deeper into the Maquis and Starfleet rift that has been lightly sprinkled throughout the season. We get the origin story of a recurring antagonist and we learn that Chakotay has value as a man of the middle – even if the show sometimes forgets about him.

The Wikipedia plot summary for “State of Flux”:
The crew of Voyager are foraging for food on a planet, when the ship detects a cloaked Kazon vessel and they are ordered to return. Chakotay is left behind to search for Seska. As soon as he finds her, he is fired on by two Kazons, who are stunned by return phaser fire, allowing Chakotay and Seska to escape. Back on Voyager, Seska serves Chakotay mushroom soup and tells him that she and other Maquis raided Neelix‘s kitchen to make the soup. Chakotay is furious and threatens harsh disciplinary measures. Seska, having once been romantically involved with Chakotay, attempts to placate him, but Chakotay rebuffs her and leaves.
Moments later, Voyager detects a distress call from a Kazon ship. On investigation, they discover that a piece of equipment on the Kazon ship has caused a catastrophic failure on board, killing all but one of the crew, who is comatose. Because the equipment bears similarities to Starfleet technology, the crew realize that the Kazon must have obtained it from someone on Voyager, and Seska falls under suspicion. Seska takes matters into her own hands and beams over to the Kazon ship, explaining that she must retrieve the equipment to prove her innocence. While on the ship, Seska is injured and is reprimanded by her superiors when she returns.

Captain Janeway realizes that the comatose Kazon might be the only chance of finding out how the technology came into the Kazon’s possession. Another Kazon ship arrives, whose captain, Culluh, demands to see his comrade. Culluh and his bodyguard arrive in sickbay where the Doctor is treating their compatriot. Suddenly, Culluh’s bodyguard kills the patient. Disgusted, Janeway orders both Kazons off Voyager.
Kes finds Seska has Cardassian blood, which Seska claims was the result of a bone marrow transplant from a friendly Cardassian woman. Investigations reveal that a message was sent to the Kazon from Engineering, and from the time of the message the two most likely suspects are Seska and Lt. Carey. The senior crew set a trap to identify the traitor, and Seska falls for it. She explains that the Kazon are a powerful race in this quadrant and by giving them technology, Voyager will gain a powerful ally. She escapes to a Kazon ship using a pre-programmed beam-out. Janeway orders pursuit, but more Kazon ships arrive and Voyager retreats.
Later, Chakotay asks Tuvok if he was naive for being fooled by Seska. Tuvok admits being fooled as well, reassuring Chakotay.

In this episode of the podcast, Wes and Clay discuss “State of Flux” and the origin of a recurring antagonist. Plus! The guys chat about melted troll dolls, the hidden dangers of replication, and Voyager’s ending scenes.