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We have to say it: “The Chute” is the first Star Trek episode to feature… a chute. Or to at least use the word repeatedly across 46 minutes. Harry and Tom get wrongly imprisoned but since they only have a few days to go crazy, they get a plot device assist from The Clamp. “The Chute” is a strange mix of an episode that provides Wes and Clay much to discuss and contemplate.

The Wikipedia plot summary for “The Chute”:
On the Akritirian homeworld Tom Paris and Harry Kim are falsely accused of a terrorist bombing using Trilithium. They are sent to a brutal prison where inmates must fend for themselves to survive, insufficient food is delivered daily through a chute, and each prisoner is implanted with a microchip called “the clamp” that induces aggression and gradually drives them insane. When Captain Janeway tries to intercede, she is told by Ambassador Liri of Akritiri that Kim and Paris confessed to the crime.
Whilst trying to defend Kim, Paris is stabbed in the stomach. Kim manages to work with one of the aliens in order to get bandages for Paris. He also tries to unite the prisoners, to no avail. Kim and the alien work together to disable the force field blocking the chute, climb it, and find that the prison is actually a giant space station. Paris completely loses touch with reality and wrecks the device that disabled the force field. Harry, afflicted as well, attacks Paris in return but manages to hold on to his sanity.

Meanwhile, the Voyager crew manages to capture the real bombers, Piri and Vel. When Janeway returns to the Akritiri and offers to exchange them for her crewmen, the Akritiri ambassador refuses, stressing that their convictions cannot be overturned. Janeway then approaches the bombers, who inform the Voyager staff that they know the location of the prison where Kim and Paris are kept. Janeway decides to free them in exchange for information on the prison’s location and on how to penetrate it.
Using Neelix’s ship as a disguise, the crew manage to hook into the chute—which is the only means to enter the prison. A small away team consisting of Janeway, Tuvok and a few security guards infiltrate the prison, pacify the prisoners and rescue Kim and Paris. They then quickly exit the scene just as an Akritiri patrol vessel states its intention to board Neelix’s ship.
Back aboard Voyager, Kim is horrified at what he had almost done while afflicted. Paris convinces him to use a week’s worth of replicator rations to recreate some of the meals they had discussed while in prison.

In this episode of the podcast, Wes and Clay discuss “The Chute” and the legion of fan-fiction it inspired. Plus! The guys talk about the Unabomber’s manifesto, twists that don’t make any sense, and missing the landing on your metaphor.