ENT ENT Season 3

The Forgotten

Two members of the Xindi Council offer to stop the launch of the weapon if Archer can prove that the Xindi have been manipulated; the crew holds a memorial for their dead shipmates.

In this episode of the podcast, Wes and Clay discuss “The Forgotten” and whether or not some storylines were truly forgotten. Plus! The guys talk about the best actor in the ensemble, Temporal Agent Daniels being a no-show, and the best Vulcan-Human scene that Enterprise has done so far.

They’re gone, but not “The Forgotten”. After the devastating attack by the Xindi, the Enterprise has lost a substantial number of crew members. Archer attempts to pick up the pieces and assigns Trip the job of writing to a deceased crewman’s family back on Earth. In the meantime, Archer works to convince Degra that he is telling the truth about time travel. It sure would be helpful if Daniels showed up right about now, huh?

The Wikipedia plot summary for “The Forgotten”:

Captain Archer tells the crew that they will continue their mission, but will remember the 18 crew members who died in the recent battle with the Xindi (“Azati Prime“). He directs Enterprise to rendezvous with Degra. He also orders Commander Tucker to write a letter to the parents of Jane Taylor, a member of his engineering team who died in a recent battle. Also, Sub-Commander T’Pol discusses with Doctor Phlox the consequences of her Trellium addiction, and is troubled when he tells her the inability to control her emotions may be permanent.

Arriving at a sphere, Enterprise is soon approached by Degra and Jannar‘s ship, who Archer then invite on board in an attempt to gain their trust. He then reveals his evidence: the Reptilian corpses and technology of the failed viral attack against 2004 Earth (per the episode “Carpenter Street“), images of the dying alien who attempted to destroy the ship,[1] and scans of the interior of a sphere.[2] He again reiterates that Humans and Xindi are pre-destined to form an alliance to stop the Sphere Builders’ incursion in the future. But he also demands that Degra reveal information about the weapon and its launch schedule. An increasingly persuaded Degra promises to do what he can to delay it.

Meanwhile, a dangerous plasma fire erupts unnoticed on Enterprise‘s hull. Initially, the blaze is small, but it expands progressively until Tucker and Lieutenant Reed are forced to undertake an extravehicular activity to extinguish it. Throughout the crises, Tucker repeatedly undermines the Captain’s authority by reviling Degra for the suffering he caused during the first attack on Earth that killed his sister. To make matters worse, a large Reptilian ship arrives and they are forced to work together to destroy it, despite Degra’s reluctance to attack fellow Xindi. With their pact now sealed, Degra suggests a meeting with the rest of the Council, and provides Archer with the coordinates.

In this episode of the podcast, Wes and Clay discuss “The Forgotten” and whether or not some storylines were truly forgotten. Plus! The guys talk about the best actor in the ensemble, Temporal Agent Daniels being a no-show, and the best Vulcan-Human scene that Enterprise has done so far.