ENT ENT Season 3


Enterprise is damaged by spatial anomalies and boarded by interstellar pirates who rob the ship of critical resources.

In this episode of the podcast, Wes and Clay discuss “Anomaly” and the tight-rope walk of characterization that is “Angry Archer”. Plus! The guys chat about Phlox’s motivations, epic space battles, and threatening to decompress your enemies.

Star Trek: Enterprise encounters an “Anomaly” – but one that might predict a difficult mission through the rest of the Delphic Expanse. The ship runs into a spatial anomaly that damages its systems and allows a group of pirates the chance to board and steal valuable resources. With their fuel and food supplies exhausted, the crew have to track down the pirates by any means necessary. Will the adventure into the expanse eventually cost the crew their souls?

The Wikipedia plot summary for “Anomaly”:

As Enterprise continues to travel through the Delphic Expanse, the ship is damaged by destructive spatial anomalies. With most of the primary systems off-line, Ensign Mayweather notices another ship nearby but no life-signs are detected. Captain Archer leads Lieutenant Reed and several MACOs on an away mission, and discover the crew are all dead. Taking what they can, they return and resume their mission.

Soon another vessel approaches Enterprise, and a group of aliens beam on board, stealing weapons, food and equipment. The crew finally prevails, and one of the aliens, an Osaarian called Orgoth, is captured. Archer hopes to recover the stolen items, but the Osaarians have masked their ion trail. He then confronts Orgoth in the brig. He explains they were traders attempting to find new trade routes, but after being hit by the spatial anomalies they were unable to leave and resorted to piracy.

The crew are able to track the Osaarian vessel, finding a large 1,000-year-old sphere constructed out of a single alloy. Archer and his away team discover a series of habitat modules containing most of the stolen items. The crew also finds a cargo manifest, and Ensign Sato soon learns they had also recently attacked a Xindi ship. Archer once again confronts Orgoth, demanding to know everything about the Xindi. He then drags the Osaarian to an airlock, initiating the decompression cycle. Orgoth soon relents, revealing they downloaded the Xindi database, while providing the access codes to their computer. When the alien ship returns, Mayweather maneuvers Enterprise close enough for Sato to download 90% of the database. Archer sends Orgoth back to his people.

In this episode of the podcast, Wes and Clay discuss “Anomaly” and the tight-rope walk of characterization that is “Angry Archer”. Plus! The guys chat about Phlox’s motivations, epic space battles, and threatening to decompress your enemies.