DS9 DS9 Season 2

Blood Oath – Ft. Clay

Klingon blood oaths are like student debts; you just can’t shake ’em! In Blood Oath, three Klingon warriors seek out Curzon Dax at DS9. When they find Jadzia Dax to be a warrior on par with Curzon, the quartet set off on a mission of vengeance. Kor, Koloth, and Kang (Klingons from Star Trek: The Original Series) return to the franchise and to battle against the mysterious and vaguely named Albino. Now, Jadzia must choose between her Federation loyalties and a sacred oath she made in a previous lifetime. Will Dax gain redemption as a character? Does the returning guest star stunt work as a gimmick? Does Cobra Commander say anything cool? Clay and I discuss the return of the Klingons, great lines delivered poorly, and the limits of filming an action scene on a budget!

Klingon blood oaths are like student debts; you just can’t shake ’em! In Blood Oath, three Klingon warriors seek out Curzon Dax at DS9. When they find Jadzia Dax to be a warrior on par with Curzon, the quartet set off on a mission of vengeance. Kor, Koloth, and Kang (Klingons from Star Trek: The Original Series) return to the franchise and to battle against the mysterious and vaguely named Albino. Now, Jadzia must choose between her Federation loyalties and a sacred oath she made in a previous lifetime. Will Dax gain redemption as a character? Does the returning guest star stunt work as a gimmick? Does Cobra Commander say anything cool? Clay and I discuss the return of the Klingons, great lines delivered poorly, and the limits of filming an action scene on a budget!

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