ENT ENT Season 4


Once Enterprise finally returns to Earth, the weary crew face repercussions from their journeys, both positive and negative.

In this episode of the podcast, Wes and Clay discuss “Home” and how character-based episodes work at this point in the series run. Plus! The guys talk about the worst aspects of digital video, Vulcans wanting other Vulcans to be happy, and the continuing impact of the first three seasons.

In the first “real” episode of the fourth season, Star Trek: Enterprise returns “Home”. The ship has arrived back at Earth, and the crew is given the opportunity to stretch their legs and catch up with their family and other obligations. Archer fights back against the Vulcan High Command and goes hiking, Trip visits Vulcan with T’Pol, and Phlox gets into bar fights. It’s an episode that is strongly reminiscent of TNG’s “Family” – does it match the quality of that outing?

The Wikipedia plot summary for “Home”:

Captain Archer and the crew are welcomed back to Earth following the successful Xindi mission. As Enterprise undergoes repairs and refitting, Archer is reunited with a former girlfriend, Captain Erika Hernandez, who has been appointed to Starfleet‘s second Warp 5 starship, Columbia (NX-02). Archer is debriefed by Admiral Maxwell Forrest and Ambassador Soval. After reacting in anger when Soval asks pointed questions about the Seleya incident, he is ordered by Forrest to take some relaxation leave.

He chooses to go mountain climbing; to his initial annoyance, Hernandez invites herself along. That night, Archer dreams that he is attacked by Reptilians, and Hernandez tries to help him come to terms with his memories and new-found adulation. In return, Archer tries to caution her that space exploration is not as idealistic as she thinks it is. In spite of this, the two manage to rekindle their romance. Returning to Starfleet Command, Archer is able to keep his emotions in check, and ultimately receives an unexpected thanks from Soval who admits that he was wrong about humanity. Elsewhere, Doctor Phlox learns that some humans still hold a grudge over the Xindi attack, xenophobically blaming all aliens, and Phlox’s presence in a bar results in a brawl.

Meanwhile, Sub-Commander T’Pol – who has been invited to accept a Starfleet commission – takes the opportunity to travel to Vulcan to visit her mother, T’Les. When Commander Tucker mentions that he does not have a home to go to, T’Pol invites him along. On Vulcan, after a tense homecoming, she learns that her mother has resigned from the Vulcan Science Academy as indirect punishment for T’Pol’s actions at the P’Jem sanctuary. One logical way for T’Pol to restore her mother’s position is to honor her engagement to Koss, a member of an influential family. Despite Tucker’s feelings, who admits to T’Les’ observation that he is in love with T’Pol, she consents to marry Koss. Just before the ceremony begins, however, T’Pol quickly kisses Tucker on the cheek.

In this episode of the podcast, Wes and Clay discuss “Home” and how character-based episodes work at this point in the series run. Plus! The guys talk about the worst aspects of digital video, Vulcans wanting other Vulcans to be happy, and the continuing impact of the first three seasons.