DIS DIS Season 3

People of Earth

Reunited with Burnham, Discovery heads to Earth to find out what has happened to the Federation in the last thousand years.

In this episode of the podcast, Wes and Clay discuss “People of Earth” and debate how much your hair can grow in a single year. Plus! The guys talk about endless platitudes, Earth in the 32nd century, and the return of the Trill to Star Trek.

Reunited with Burnham, Discovery talks to “People of Earth” to find out what has happened to the Federation in the last thousand years.

The USS Discovery and Michael Burnham reunite. Tears are shed. Hugs are made. People are sad. And people are happy. It’s peak Star Trek: Discovery – heavy handed emotion placed atop strange choices about timing and character growth.

The Discovery receives a message from Earth and promptly uses the spore drive to jump to the Sol system. The ship cruises past Saturn and eventually makes its way to Earth. Once there, a force field activates and protects the planet and the Discovery is accosted by an Earth Defense Force. It seems that raiders have been attacking Earth, seeking dilithium. In response, Earth has turned inward and created a protectionist force that defends the planet and does not ask any questions.

Discovery is boarded by an investigative team. Saru manages to hold off the attack by using his Star Trek training, which surprises the People of Earth. Burnham and Book devise a plan (which we do not see in action) whereby they capture the raider captain and bring him back to Discovery. After a short lecture, the People of Earth and the raiders come to terms and every one is very happy. No one cries.

At the end of the episode, the crew is allowed a short leave on Earth. Apparently not much has changed in the past 930 years, except that the trees are bigger. The crew reminisce about the good old days and the camera pans out to reveal a very happy San Fransisco.

In this episode of the podcast, Wes and Clay discuss “People of Earth” and debate how much your hair can grow in a single year. Plus! The guys talk about endless platitudes, Earth in the 32nd century, and the return of the Trill to Star Trek.