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Keevan the Vorta Remata’Klan the Jem’Hadar
While attempting to escape Dominion territory, Sisko and the crew on the Defiant crash land on a planet devoid of anything but rocks and shoals. Unfortunately, a crew of Jem’Hadar and their Vorta, Keevan, have also survived a crash landing on the same planet. The Vorta is injured and must ration his supply of Ketracel White to his Jem’Hadar troops. On the station, Kira and Odo start to settle into their new lives as Bajoran liaisons to the Dominion. Things are becoming routine, but they’re shaken when Jake Sisko begins to question things and a Bajoran cleric commits suicide in protest.
The conflict between Sisko and Keevan comes to a head when Keevan offers Sisko a choice: either set a murderous trap for the Jem’Hadar or be killed themselves. On DS9, Odo and Kira must reconcile their past with their present and come to a decision about the kind of people they want to be. As the Occupation of DS9 arc moves into its third episode (Call to Arms is a part of the arc!), the show is moving full bore into thoughtful and heartbreaking drama in a way that Star Trek has never done before. Rocks and Shoals feels like an even more mature version of Deep Space 9.
In this episode of the podcast, Wes and Clay discuss the second episode of DS9’s sixth season, “Rocks and Shoals”. Does it continue the Occupation arc in a satisfying way? Or are the strains of a writing staff doing something unfamiliar starting to show through the seams? Is Jake Sisko a good war-time journalist, or is he simply too naive to know which questions he shouldn’t ask? The guys also discuss the flexibility of the Vorta, visual storytelling in Star Trek, and shooting a man when he’s down!
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