ENT ENT Season 2

ENT: Season 2 Wrap Up and Q&A

We’ve reached the end of the second season of Star Trek: Enterprise. We made it through another 26 episodes of the show and we’re more than halfway through the entire series.

In this episode of the podcast, Wes and Clay give their final thoughts about the season. Plus! The guys list their favorite and least favorite episodes, update their character power rankings, and answer some listener questions.

Please note that this episode was recorded as a livestream on YouTube so the audio quality will be a bit lower than normal. If you’re interested in watching other streams, subscribe to our YouTube channel via the link below.

ENT ENT Season 2

The Expanse

After a devastating attack on Earth by an alien probe of unknown origin, Enterprise is recalled and sent into a strange expanse on a new, more vital mission.

In this episode of the podcast, Wes and Clay discuss “The Expanse” and how it shuts down multiple plotlines while starting several new ones. Plus! The guys chat about their memories of 9/11, redundant travel, and the final appearance of Future Guy!

ENT ENT Season 2


Archer is captured by a Tellarite bounty hunter who plans to hand him over to the Klingons; a microbe induces the pon farr in T’Pol who finds herself confined to the decon chamber with Phlox.

In this episode of the podcast, Wes and Clay discuss “Bounty” and the excitement of having two B-plots. Plus! The guys talk about Enterprise era Klingons, the outgoing Phlox becoming a prude, and the reason why sexualizing T’Pol never seems to work.

ENT ENT Season 2

First Flight

When he is told of the death of an old rival, Archer reflects on his days in the NX test program.

In this episode of the podcast, Wes and Clay discuss “First Flight” and how Star Trek: Enterprise would have been best served if it had been allowed a chance to establish itself on Earth for the first season. Plus! The guys talk about their favorite time of day to drink at the bar, the “friendship” of AG Robinson and Jon Archer, and what seeing the Enterprise floating in space should feel like.

ENT ENT Season 2


A scientific team in the Arctic discovers two mysterious cyborgs, similar to those described by Zefram Cochrane. When they assimilate the scientists and move into space, Enterprise is called upon to find the cybernetic beings and stop them.

In this episode of the podcast, Wes and Clay discuss “Regeneration” and the risks of bringing the Borg into a prequel series. Plus! The guys chat about T’Pol the skeptic, the more-is-less problem of the Borg, and action sequences done well.

ENT ENT Season 2


Enterprise encounters the Vissians, a race that includes a third gender of “cogenitors” who are treated as second-class citizens.

In this episode of the podcast, Wes and Clay discuss “Cogenitor” and how making friends can go horribly wrong. Plus! The guys chat about Rick Berman’s original pitch, Archer’s dilemma, and the unfortunately small size of Reed’s torpedoes.

ENT ENT Season 2

The Breach

While Enterprise rescues three Denobulan scientists from a planet under a new xenophobic government, Dr. Phlox must treat a patient with racist views against his people.

In this episode of the podcast, Wes and Clay discuss “The Breach” and how plot lines can become ethereal and disconnected. Plus! The guys chat about the fine line between comedy and the grotesque, hidden lunch boxes, and theme-less action plots.

ENT ENT Season 2


While Enterprise diverts to observe an unusual planetary event, Travis Mayweather takes time off to visit his family on the cargo ship where he was born and raised, the Horizon.

In this episode of the podcast, Wes and Clay discuss “Horizon” and the unfortunate irrelevance of Travis Mayweather. Plus! The guys chat about returning to Enterprise after a season of Discovery, bouncing around on the bed without artificial gravity, and Trip’s choice of horror movie!

ENT ENT Season 2


Captain Archer is tried in a Klingon tribunal for attacking a Klingon ship and inciting a rebellion.

In this episode of the podcast, Wes and Clay discuss “Judgment” and how far you can try to bend the Klingons before they break. Plus! The guys chat about The Undiscovered Country, Martok as a lawyer, and the right way to drink coffee.

ENT ENT Season 2

The Crossing

Enterprise is captured by a ship of non-corporeal beings who wish to trade consciousnesses with the crew’s bodies. But these “wisps” may not plan on giving the bodies back…

In this episode of the podcast, Wes and Clay discuss “The Crossing” and debate why a species of non-corporeal aliens would have a spaceship. Plus! The guys talk about Vulcan pajamas, counting with Phlox, and punching Mayweather.

ENT ENT Season 2


Archer and Tucker are mistakenly arrested and placed on a prison ship bound for the infamous penal colony of Canamar.

In this episode of the podcast, Wes and Clay discuss “Canamar” and action plots done well. Plus! The guys talk about imparting a moral lesson in the last 5 seconds, gross aliens, and many “oh look it’s that guy” reactions.

ENT ENT Season 2

Future Tense

Enterprise finds a small craft – apparently from the future – adrift in space, and both the Suliban and the mysterious Tholians are intent on retrieving it.

In this episode of the podcast, Wes and Clay discuss “Future Tense” and the flat-lining Temporal Cold War arc. Plus! The guys talk about T’Pol’s hatred of time travel, the TARDIS, and Van Halen’s discography.

ENT ENT Season 2

Cease Fire

Archer is called in to mediate a territorial dispute between the Vulcans and the Andorians.

In this episode of the podcast, Wes and Clay discuss “Cease Fire” and the continuing hostilities between the Andorians and the Vulcans. Plus! The guys talk about disagreements between two ill-defined groups, Rick Berman’s inspiration for the character of Tarah, and why Soval is the worst Vulcan of all time.

ENT ENT Season 2


T’Pol’s position on Enterprise is jeopardized when the Vulcans discover that she has contracted a mind-affecting disease. Meanwhile, one of Phlox’s wives comes aboard and expresses a romantic interest in Tucker, much to his discomfort.

In this episode of the podcast, Wes and Clay discuss “Stigma” and curious timing of an AIDS allegory in 2003. Plus! The guys talk about it definitely NOT being T’Pol’s fault, the whimsy of Mrs. Phlox, and the confusing Vulcans of Enterprise.

ENT ENT Season 2


While in a shuttlepod performing tests, Tucker is attacked by a hostile alien and forced to crash-land on a desolate moon.

In this episode of the podcast, Wes and Clay discuss “Dawn” and why shade from the sun is overrated. Plus! The guys talk about re-doing superior episodes, the direction of Roxann Dawson, and the upcoming US Presidential election (just to date the podcast even more quickly).

ENT ENT Season 2

The Catwalk

When a deadly neutronic storm threatens the ship, the crew must take refuge for eight days inside the maintenance shafts of the warp nacelles.

In this episode of the podcast, Wes and Clay discuss “The Catwalk” and the template that all Star Trek: Enterprise episodes must follow. Plus! The guys discuss travel by air, Archer watching “water polo” on his iPhone, and Reed’s short fuse.

ENT ENT Season 2

Precious Cargo

After Enterprise rescues a pair of aliens with a mysterious cargo, Trip finds himself in a major predicament after he accidentally opens the cargo.

In this episode of the podcast, Wes and Clay discuss “Precious Cargo” and the troubles that many seem to have with writing a Star Trek script. Plus! The guys talk about Archer talking T’Pol into his tribunal charade, getting into an escape pod ass first, and the Brannon Braga method of breaking a story.

ENT ENT Season 2

Vanishing Point

Following her first experience with the transporter, an eerie series of events makes Hoshi think she is becoming invisible to the rest of the crew.

In this episode of the podcast, Wes and Clay discuss “Vanishing Point” and the awkwardness of a phone call where you have to inform someone that a loved one is dead. Plus! The guys talk about episodes that are different every 10 minutes, Enterprise’s surprising success with subtlety, and learning a lesson through a dream.

ENT ENT Season 2


Upon approaching a black hole, the crew starts exhibiting strange behavior and uncharacteristically obsesses over trivial matters.

In this episode of the podcast, Wes and Clay discuss “Singularity” and debate whether or not being weird is enough to carry an episode. Plus! The guys talk about can openers, those desks from high school, and how Enterprise chooses to end episodes.

ENT ENT Season 2

The Communicator

During an investigation of a pre-warp alien planet, Reed accidentally leaves his communicator behind. When he returns with Archer to get the piece of technology, they are captured by soldiers who accuse them of being enemy spies.

In this episode of the podcast, Wes and Clay discuss “The Communicator” and how it’s as if someone took seven random episodes of Enterprise and stuck them in a blender. Plus! The guys talk about Reed’s masochistic streak, Archer making a bad situation worse, and the frustratingly similar cultures that Enterprise keeps encountering.

ENT ENT Season 2

The Seventh

T’Pol asks Archer to accompany her on a top secret mission to capture a fugitive that has eluded the Vulcan High Command for two decades.

In this episode of the podcast, Wes and Clay discuss “The Seventh” and why being down on Enterprise episodes is different from being down on every other Trek series. Plus! The guys talk about Trip being unwilling to inflict diarrhea on his shipmates, Mayweather in bokeh, and no one being concerned about the Vulcans fiddling with other cultures.

ENT ENT Season 2


Enterprise discovers a deuterium mining colony that is being controlled by Klingon marauders. The crew trains the colonists to defend themselves and prepare for battle against their Klingon oppressors.

In this episode of the podcast, Wes and Clay discuss “Marauders” and why genre shows need to abandon doing their own version of The Magnificent Seven. Plus! The guys talk about Klingons not acting like Klingons, training montages, and beige landscapes!

ENT ENT Season 2

A Night in Sickbay

Archer spends a night in sickbay with Dr. Phlox after Porthos picks up a deadly virus on an alien planet.

In this episode of the podcast, Wes and Clay discuss bringing your dog everywhere you go! Plus, the guys talk about using a chainsaw while very sweaty, T’Pol being the focus of the male gaze, and choosing whether to save your dog or a random stranger!

ENT ENT Season 2

Dead Stop

Enterprise docks with a strange, automated repair space station, which proves too good to be true.

In this episode of the podcast, Wes and Clay discuss Enterprise switching up its “mystery” formula! Plus, the guys talk about the characterization of Malcolm Reed, Mayweather’s twelve-pack, and trying to delay an automated phone service!

ENT ENT Season 2


The Enterprise NX-01 strays into a Romulan “Minefield” and is disabled by a cloaked mine. Meanwhile, Reed is pinned to the hull of the ship.

In this episode of the podcast, Wes and Clay describe how to pay extra attention to make sure you’re truly bored. Plus! The guys talk about watching an episode of Enterprise while angry, the survival of soccer into the 22nd century, and surfing an explosion to safety!

ENT ENT Season 2

Carbon Creek

T’Pol tells Archer and Tucker a story about her great-grandmother and two other Vulcans, who crash landed in a small Pennsylvania town in the year 1957.

In this episode of the podcast, Wes and Clay debate the how much Carbon Creek is to Enterprise as The City on the Edge of Forever is to The Original Series. Plus! The guys talk about Vulcans in disguise, inventions you’d believe to be alien in origin, and the acting prowess of Jolene Blalock!

ENT ENT Season 2

Shockwave II

As the Suliban take the crew hostage, Archer disappears off the ship. While stuck in the 31st century, Archer and Daniels work to find a way to get back to Enterprise and repair the timeline.

In this episode of the podcast, Wes and Clay discuss the second season of Enterprise choosing to bring a few topics into focus. Plus! The guys debate the characterization of Daniels, the confounding nature of Soval, and keeping things a mystery when you don’t have much going on.