ENT ENT Season 2

The Crossing

Enterprise is captured by a ship of non-corporeal beings who wish to trade consciousnesses with the crew’s bodies. But these “wisps” may not plan on giving the bodies back…

In this episode of the podcast, Wes and Clay discuss “The Crossing” and debate why a species of non-corporeal aliens would have a spaceship. Plus! The guys talk about Vulcan pajamas, counting with Phlox, and punching Mayweather.

Enterprise is captured by a ship of non-corporeal beings who wish to trade consciousnesses with the crew’s bodies. But these “wisps” may not plan on giving the bodies back. “The Crossing” is a throwback of a Star Trek: Enterprise episode – it reaches all the way back to the show’s first season! “The Crossing” focuses on the Enterprise running into a strange, new species that is a bit mysterious and threatening. But is the threat real, or are the crew just being a little bit uptight? It’s good to see Enterprise returning to the creepy and hostile edge of the final frontier.

The Wikipedia plot summary for “The Crossing”:

While at warp speed, a huge alien vessel overtakes and swallows Enterprise, disabling the ship’s engines and weapons. When the scanners register neither the alien ship nor its numerous energy-wisp-like incorporeal beings, Captain Archer takes Lieutenant Reed and Commander Tucker on an away mission to the interior. While EV Tucker is visibly “entered” by one of the beings before being returned to his normal state. Doctor Phlox‘s examination, however, reveals no lingering effects.

Later, Tucker is possessed again, and is soon located in the mess hall enjoying the simple pleasures of food. When asked, the alien says that they are explorers who merely want to experience the tangible nature of the corporeal state they long evolved from. In exchange, the crew would be permitted to have out of body experiences. Archer, doubtful of the aliens’ intentions, demands the release of his ship, and the return of Tucker’s consciousness, both of which quickly happen. Enterprise is now freed, but the engines are not operational. While making repairs, the crew starts displaying signs of possession one-by-one. Similar events occur throughout the ship, including the takeover of Reed, Ensign Sato, and 22 others.

Ensign Mayweather, himself escaping a pursuing entity, finds sanctuary in the nacelle catwalk area, so Archer orders the uninfected crew there. Sub-Commander T’Pol then proposes a plan to use her more disciplined mind to try to uncover the beings’ intentions. Archer is opposed, but assents given that there is no other alternative. T’Pol is soon overcome and discovers that the aliens plan to co-opt the 82 crew-member’s bodies to save themselves from their failing ship. Archer, T’Pol and Phlox then hatch a plan to forcibly expel the beings by asphyxiating the infected crew. Though he has some trouble with an infected Tucker, Phlox is able to reach the atmospheric controls and floods the ship with carbon dioxide , and the aliens are forced to return to their ship. When the alien ship attempts to pursue Enterprise, Archer destroys it with two torpedoes.

In this episode of the podcast, Wes and Clay discuss “The Crossing” and debate why a species of non-corporeal aliens would have a spaceship. Plus! The guys talk about Vulcan pajamas, counting with Phlox, and punching Mayweather.